
Kune Kune Pork

We chose the Kune Kune pig after a lot of deliberating about what pig we would like to bring to our ranch. We went through quite a few breeds but found that the Kune Kune fit the majority of our wants and needs. We work our land using extensive farming and not intensive farming, we want to grow healthy strong forests and have land that helps the environment and our animals. The wildlife we share our land with also needs to have healthy and nutritious land to graze as well. Most pigs do want to root and rip up land we simply did not want to raise an animal we had to keep in a pen that would be dirt and muddy and gross. We want every animal here to be as natural as possible and the faster growing pigs we simply do not have the space to allow for such destruction that they cause. We knew we would be having to work with others closely who wanted to breed toward a Kune Kune pig that developed well for the table. They are a slower growing pig but majority of their feed is actually just grass and vegetables we offer. This was an obstacle we were willing to take on for a more true to nature pig and one that worked with nature rather than destroying it.

Kune Kune meat

The meat on a Kune Kune is of course of extreme importance we have found the meat to be akin to upscale beef dining experiences. Their diet and make up of this particular pig allows for a red meat pork that is full of vitamins and minerals. They marble out and are not what would be considered your traditional pork, but is well worth the switch for your palate and health.

This pork can be purchased as a suckling pig (2-6 weeks; 7-20lbs) or as a roasting/BBQ pig (7-12 weeks; 20-50lbs).

$200 for a suckling pig/$350 for a roasting pig